
Sunny Health & Fitness Indoor Cycle Trainer

When we are looking for a way to live healthier lifestyles, it isn’t uncommon that people will experiment with what type of exercise or fitness routine not only works for them, but keeps them engaged and having fun. Spinning is a favorite for many people, but attending spin classes can be expensive if you want to do it on a regular basis. With the Sunny Health & Fitness Indoor Cycle Trainer, you can have your very own spin class right in your living room.

In this review, we are going to talk a little more about the features of the Sunny Health & Fitness Indoor Cycle Trainer, but we are also going to give you an overview of what people who have purchased the Sunny Health & Fitness Indoor Cycle Trainer had to say about their overall experience with it. Then, we’re going to give you our recommendation on whether or not this cycle trainer is something you should consider purchasing for your own home!

About The Product

With the Sunny Health & Fitness Indoor Cycle Trainer, you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of a spin class without actually going to the gym. This cycling trainer from Sunny Health & Fitness uses technology that makes this a smooth and quiet cycling bike.

Notable features of the Sunny Health & Fitness Indoor Cycle Trainer include:

  • 49lb chromed solid flywheel
  • Smooth and quiet belt transmission with heavy duty crank and frame
  • ​Adjustable resistance with top press down brake
  • ​Transportation wheels for easy portability
  • ​Adjustable padded seat and handlebar
  • ​Maximum user weight: 275lbs
  • Adjustable Inseam Height Max 40 in/ Min 29 in

What Others Say

When we looked at the user reviews, we saw that 83% had great things to say about the bike and left 4 or 5-star reviews. Of these reviews, people commented on how quick and easy the set up was—the average set up time was 30 minutes or less. Customers have said that they enjoyed how stable this bike felt and they liked this heavier flywheel because it was a smoother ride and much quieter than other bikes they’ve tried.

So what did the remaining 17% of customers who left 3-star or below reviews have to say? The most common complaint customers had was that the crank shaft started to make loud noises after each rotation a few months after purchasing the bike. Other customers felt that the seat and handlebar design is off, making for an uncomfortable ride even with the seat moved completely forward.

Our Recommendation

We feel that this is a very good cycling trainer. Just under $400, we believe that this is a great piece of equipment to have in your own home gym. With this bike, you’ll be able to work out when you want and go at your own pace.