The Benefits Of Incorporating Paleo Bars Into Your Diet

The Benefits Of Incorporating Paleo Bars Into Your Diet

When it comes to the Paleo diet, you might find it difficult find a snack that you can keep in your purse, your car, or even in your desk for those instances where you need something to snack on.

Instead of trying to fight the urge to pick up some overly processed, fatty food from a fast food joint or a convenience shop, Paleo bars can be exactly what you need to stave off those cravings until it’s time for a nutritious meal.

paleo granola energy bars

What Is Paleo?

You might be wondering what is Paleo. In short, Paleo basically means you are eating the way our ancestors ate way before everything became overly processed and doused in sugar. This means you’re going to eat anything that can be hunted or gathered, foods like:

  • Meat
  • Seafood
  • ​Nuts
  • ​Leafy Greens
  • ​Vegetables
  • Seeds

Notice what isn’t on this list? Anything made from grain, sugar, or has been processed. Many folks on a paleo diet tend to stay away from dairy as well. However, you can eat dairy products from time to time whenever you need to add some extra calories into your diet.

Benefits Of Paleo Diet Bars

Much like other bars, you can find a variety of Paleo snack bars, Paleo Breakfast Bars, and even Paleo Energy Bars. These bars can be a lifesaver for when you’re really hungry but you don’t have Paleo friendly food on hand.

Let’s not forget that it’s a lot easier toting around a simple bar or two rather than carrying around an insulated lunchbox with a chicken breast or a grass-fed steak just to have a healthy snack. These bars will help you stay Paleo, regardless of where you are and what the circumstances may that that are preventing you from getting a nutritious, Paleo meal.

Poleo Kifa Bars

With Paleo bars, you’re eating something with a denser nutritional profile than the majority of other bars that are available on the market. Since these bars are gluten- and dairy-free, they aren’t going to tip you off that precarious healthy path you’re trying to stay on. Also, as more and more people practice a Paleo diet, these bars are going to be more accessible and in a larger array of flavors.

What To Look For On The Labels Of Paleo Protein Bars

A protein bar is a great source of protein for when you’re on the go and don’t have the time to sit down and enjoy a meal. Many of these bars are able to provide you with a large portion of your daily protein requirements. If you’re practicing a Paleo diet, a Paleo protein bar is going give you the necessary protein all from a healthy source.

Unfortunately, not all protein bars are created the same—many of which have so much sugar in them they resemble candy bars more than a Paleo snack. Some of these bars may even contain allergens that you may not know about because the label has been mislabeled.

So, what should you do to make sure that you’re choosing the good Paleo bars?

  • Always Read The Labels – You should pay close attention to the ingredients. Some ingredients that are unhealthy may have different names that’ll make them appear harmless. For example, there are some Paleo snack bars that have hidden sugars in them that’ll actually cause more weight gain.
  • Make Sure It Is Organic – For many people going Paleo, it’s easier to go organic because the ingredients are made from sources that haven’t been exposed to synthetic chemicals that can be harmful to people.
  • Check For Possible Allergens - There are some Paleo products that contain peanuts, gluten, and other tree nuts. Some products may not contain these allergens but were made in the same manufacturing facility where they could have come in contact with allergens.
  • Check Nutritional Value – When you’re trying to choose the best paleo protein bars, you’ll want to check out what sort of nutritional value the bar has. Some bars will contain vitamins and minerals that your body needs, while others may not.
  • Check The Carb Impact or GI – Most protein bars will contain a lot of protein, there are some bars that will still contain a lot of carbs. You’ll want to check to see how many carbs are in the bar, as they could cause your insulin and blood sugar levels to fluctuate rapidly.
Paleo Protein Bars in their Wrap

Ingredients To Avoid When Choosing Paleo Bars

While you’re checking out the ingredients for good things, you also want to look for harmful ingredients that go against the Paleo diet. These are some ingredients you’ll want to make sure are not in your bars (or any food while you’re at it):

  • Maltitol Syrup - A sugar alcohol that is exchanged for regular sugar in food. The food may have a lower calorie count, but it can act like a laxative.
  • Trans Fat - Though some products will not explicitly say “trans fat,” avoid anything that says “partially hydrogenated” or “hydrogenated.”
  • Fractionated Oil - It isn’t as bad as hydrogenated, but it is still a processed oil and an ingredient you will want to avoid.
  • Sugar and HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup) - If you should avoid a sugar alcohol, you should definitely avoid both of these ingredients if they are listed as the first couple of ingredients. Sugar (or HFCS) isn’t always going to be so clearly labeled, so be wary!
  • Soy - Soy that is grown in the US tends to be genetically modified and can wreak havoc on our hormones. If you see “isolated soy protein,” “soy protein concentrate,” or and “soy lecithin” in your bar, you may want to avoid it.
  • Colors and Dyes - Just… No.

Paleo Bars Wrap Up

Paleo bars can be the perfect thing to tide you over when you aren’t able to have a nutritious, Paleo meal. These bars can be tucked in your purse, glove box, desk, or backpack.

No-Bake Paleo Fig Newton Raw Bars

When you’re trying to decide what is going to be the best bar for you, you have to look at the ingredients and make sure they use ingredients that aren’t processed and haven’t come in contact with allergens. When you do find a bar that you enjoy, you’ll feel satiated in between meals, but also rest assured that you’re sticking with your diet.

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